UHNWI data

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Generating sufficient active attention to enable decision-making among UHNWIs

Are you interested in targeting the global business elite as an audience to promote your product? To be more specific, are you looking to spread information about your product or service in digital format to an audience that includes 2,500 billionaires, 1,500+ centimillionaires, and 6,500+ multimillionaires? If your answer is "Yes," we kindly invite you to review the following information.

What does digital content distribution within our service entail?

Your product information is analyzed, organized, and repackaged into a digital message in HTML format. This custom-built message takes into account the average psycho-emotional profile of your target audience, based on insights from over 1,000 campaigns conducted over the past 15+ years. (If you need a more tailored solution, we offer a separate service for that, learn more) The completed message is then sent directly to the email addresses of individuals on your selected list—no mass mailing programs are used, and all emails are manually sent. Learn more about digital content distribution.


We offer the ability to choose your target group based on the following criteria: demographic groups, location (country, and for the U.S., state-specific), gender composition, and income levels ($1B+, $100M+, $50M+, $30M+, $10M+).

Getting results

Campaign performance depends directly on the number of touches and the appeal of your offer. Unfortunately, we can only influence the first factor. Our service simply opens a window of opportunity to introduce your product or service. Over the years, we’ve mastered capturing a specific window of attention from UHNWI (5-15 seconds). The next step is crafting a multi-layered message that contains key triggers, designed to engage recipients, even during a quick scroll. After that, it’s about understanding each individual’s decision-making cycle, as they need time to decide whether the product is relevant to them. Not every billionaire immediately responds with, “This isn’t for me,” or requests to be removed from the list. Only after this initial phase do they delve deeper into the product and decide to engage with the seller.

We intentionally exclude those who are already ready to make a decision by sheer luck—they may or may not be part of the email list. Our focus is on those who don’t yet have an urgent need for your product. These individuals vary in how much active attention is needed for them to make the decision to engage (which is a key aspect of how we measure the effectiveness of our service). Some might need less than a minute, while others might require hours. We assess the amount of active attention given to the initial outreach, then forecast from that data.

It’s important to note that the amount of active attention any individual devotes to a product or service is constantly shifting, due to the overall information overload. We can never know how much attention a person had left before they encountered your message. It could be that the final 15 seconds are all you need to get results—or it might take longer. Many sales teams take pride in successful campaigns, attributing them to their own genius without accounting for the “active attention window,” which is the result of contributions made by all market participants. This is purely a matter of timing.

For this reason, our service is most effective when used for systematic engagement with your target audience. We primarily offer our expertise in capturing attention and providing broad outreach to the individuals you're interested in, through precise targeting, rather than focusing on sheer numbers that match certain characteristics.

If you want to capitalize on the investments your competitors have made in promoting their products and generating active attention within a shared audience, our service is ideal for identifying and capturing those individuals who are in the later stages of maturity, ready to make a decision to engage. From there, it’s up to you to guide the client toward closing the deal—this is outside the scope of our service.


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