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Diane Hendricks

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Diane Marie Smith Hendricks

  • Date of Birth: 1947

  • Place of Birth: Wisconsin, USA

  • Zodiac: Unknown

  • Marital Status and Family: Widowed, was married to Kenneth Hendricks until his death in 2007; has seven children.

  • Relatives: Information on siblings and other relatives is not widely publicized.

Background and Early Life:

  • Family Background: Diane Hendricks grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin, learning the values of hard work and entrepreneurship from a young age.

  • Ancestry: Primarily American; detailed ancestry information is not widely available.

  • Early Influences: Growing up on a farm instilled in her a strong work ethic and resilience.

  • Influences: Kenneth Hendricks (husband and business partner).

  • Books that impacted the most: No specific books mentioned publicly.

Educational Background:

  • Education: Graduated from Osseo-Fairchild High School in 1965; did not attend college.

Professional Career:

  • Current Occupation: Chairperson of ABC Supply (ABC Supply Website)

  • Career History: Co-founded ABC Supply in 1982 with her late husband, Kenneth Hendricks.

Career Milestones:

  • Key Achievements:

    • Built ABC Supply into the largest wholesale distributor of roofing and siding in the U.S.

    • Expanded the company through strategic acquisitions.

  • Innovations and Contributions:

    • Implemented innovative business strategies in the building materials distribution industry.

  • Industry Impact:

    • Played a significant role in shaping the roofing and siding distribution market in the U.S.

Net Worth and Assets:

  • Estimated Net Worth: Approximately $13.2 billion (Forbes 2023).

  • Key Assets: Major stakes in ABC Supply, various real estate properties, and investments in other business ventures.

  • Investments: Diversified investments in real estate, business startups, and various companies.

  • Stock Records: Specific stock records are not publicly detailed.

Business Interests:

  • Primary Business: ABC Supply.

  • Known Current and Past Board of Directors Positions: Chairperson of ABC Supply.

  • Other Ventures:

    • Hendricks Holding Company.

    • Investments in media, entertainment, movie production and real estate.

Leadership Style and Business Philosophy:

  • Leadership Approach: Hands-on, strategic, and values-driven.

  • Business Philosophy: Focus on customer satisfaction, employee well-being, and long-term growth.

Philanthropy and Social Contributions:

  • Charitable Donations: Significant donations to educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and community development projects.

  • Foundations and Initiatives: Hendricks Family Foundation.

  • Philanthropic Goals: Support for education, healthcare, and community development.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Involved in initiatives promoting sustainability in business practices.

  • CSR: Active in corporate social responsibility programs through ABC Supply and personal initiatives.

Lifestyle and Interests:

  • Main Residence: Beloit, Wisconsin, USA.

  • Personal Values: Hard work, resilience, and community focus.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Real estate, philanthropy, and community development.

  • Social Circles: Engages with business leaders, philanthropists, and community organizations primarily in Wisconsin and across the U.S.

  • Membership in Private Clubs and Social Organizations: Member of various business and philanthropic organizations.


  • Business Connections:

    1. Warren Buffett - Business tycoon and investor.

    2. Mark Zuckerberg - CEO of Facebook.

    3. Bill Gates - Co-founder of Microsoft.

    4. Mary Barra - CEO of General Motors.

    5. Tim Cook - CEO of Apple.

    6. Larry Page - Co-founder of Google.

    7. Jeff Bezos - Founder of Amazon.

    8. Jamie Dimon - CEO of JPMorgan Chase.

    9. Sheryl Sandberg - COO of Facebook.

    10. Indra Nooyi - Former CEO of PepsiCo.

  • Personal Connections:

    • Scott Walker: Former Governor of Wisconsin, affiliated with the Republican Party.

    • Paul Ryan: Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, affiliated with the Republican Party.

    • Charles Koch: influential businessmen, and political donor, associated with Koch Industries.

    • Ron Johnson: U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, affiliated with the Republican Party.

    • Donald Trump: 45th President of the United States, affiliated with the Republican Party.

    • Marjorie Taylor Greene: U.S. Representative from Georgia, affiliated with the Republican Party.

    • Stephen McEveety: Film producer, CEO of Mpower Pictures.

    • John Shepherd: Film producer, President of Mpower Pictures.

    • Todd Burns: Film producer, affiliated with Mpower Pictures.

    • David Zucker: Film director and producer, known for his work on “Airplane!” and “The Naked Gun.”

    • Cyrus Nowrasteh: Screenwriter and director, known for “The Stoning of Soraya M.”

    • Robert Kirbyson: Film director and writer, known for “Snowmen.”

Political and Social Influence:

  • Political Affiliations: Republican; has donated to Republican candidates and causes.

  • Advocacy: Strong supporter of pro-business policies and educational reform.

  • Significant Political Statements: Advocates for policies that support business growth and economic development.

Future Plans and Projects:

  • Upcoming Ventures: Continued expansion of ABC Supply and diversification of investments.

  • Forecasts: Sustained growth in the building materials industry.

  • Legacy: Renowned for building a successful business empire and significant philanthropic contributions.

Available Data on Possessions:

  • Yachts: Information not publicly available.

  • Private Jets: Information not publicly available.

  • Cars: Known to own luxury vehicles, specific brands not detailed.

  • Art: Collector of art; specific pieces not publicly detailed.

  • Real Estate and Residences: Owns multiple properties in Wisconsin and other locations.

  • Collectables: Known to have significant real estate and business-related collectables.

  • Expensive Accessories: Known for a high-end lifestyle, specific brands not publicly detailed.

Public Persona and Influence:

  • Media Presence: Frequently featured in business and financial media.

  • Public Speaking: Occasional public speaking engagements focusing on business and philanthropy.

  • Public Appearances:

    1. Forbes Women's Summit.

    2. Various business conferences and summits.

    3. Charity and fundraising events.

    4. Educational institution events.

  • Recognition and Awards: Numerous awards for business leadership and philanthropy.

Future Plans and Projects:

  • Upcoming Ventures: Further growth of ABC Supply, continued philanthropic efforts.

  • Forecasts: Continued leadership in the building materials industry.

  • Legacy: A prominent figure in American business with a strong legacy in philanthropy.

Political and Social Influence:

  • Political Affiliations: Republican supporter.

    • She donated $500,000 to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's 2012 campaign to avoid recall, and was his biggest donor that year. She also supported Paul Ryan.

    • n 2014, she donated $1 million to the Freedom Partners Action Fund, a pro-Republican Super PAC created by the Koch Brothers.

    • In both 2015 and 2016, she donated $2 million to Freedom Partners Action Fund.

    • In 2015, she gave $5 million to a PAC associated with presidential candidate Scott Walker, of which $4 million was ultimately refunded.

    • In the 2016 U.S. presidential election, she gave over $5 million to the Reform America Fund, a super PAC which opposed Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and supported Republican U.S. Senator from Wisconsin Ron Johnson.

    • Hendricks served as an economic advisor to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

    • Prior to Scott Pruitt's resignation in July 2018, she donated $50,000 to the Scott Pruitt Legal Expenses Trust.

    • Hendricks contributed a total of $1.1 million to Donald Trump's 2020 presidential campaign.

    • Hendricks contributed to the campaign of Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    • Hendricks has contributed $5,000,000 to the Super PAC, Make America Great Again, Inc., as of 2023.

  • Advocacy: Focus on business-friendly policies.

  • Significant Political Statements: Generally focuses on economic policies beneficial to businesses.

Media Search Results for Diane Hendricks

Biographical Books

Here are some biographical books that mention Diane Hendricks:

  1. "UNSTOPPABLE: The Extraordinary Biography of Diane Hendricks: One of US's Richest Self-Made Women and Co-founder of ABC Supply" by Alex Grant. This book explores Diane Hendricks' journey from a humble background to becoming one of the richest self-made women in the United States.

Controversies and Legal Issues


Diane Hendricks has faced several controversies primarily related to her business and political donations. She has been a significant donor to Republican candidates and causes, including substantial contributions to Donald Trump and various Republican super PACs. Her political activities have often attracted media scrutiny and public debate.

Legal Issues

Hendricks has encountered tax-related issues, such as paying no state income tax in four of the five years from 2010 to 2014. An investigation revealed discrepancies in the property assessment of her home, which was significantly undervalued. Following the investigation, her property’s assessment was corrected, resulting in a substantial increase in its value.


There have been no major personal scandals involving Diane Hendricks. The most notable issues are tied to her business operations and political donations rather than personal misconduct.


Hendricks has faced allegations concerning the undervaluation of her property for tax purposes. This led to an investigation and subsequent adjustment of her property’s assessed value.


Critics have targeted Hendricks for her significant financial influence in politics and her ability to avoid paying state income taxes for several years. Additionally, her contributions to conservative causes and candidates have sparked debates about the role of money in politics.

Public Conflicts

Hendricks generally avoids public conflicts. However, her political contributions and influence have sometimes put her at odds with political opponents and advocacy groups who oppose her supported policies.

Curious Information

Little-known Biography Facts

  • Diane Hendricks was born in 1947 on a dairy farm in Wisconsin and had her first child at 17. She later moved to Janesville, Wisconsin, where she began her career in real estate before co-founding ABC Supply with her late husband, Ken Hendricks.

  • Despite her success, Hendricks never attended college and instead relied on her business acumen and hard work to build her empire.

Unusual Experience

She has produced movies, including:

  • The Stoning of Soraya M. (2008), about an execution in an Iranian village; Starring: Mozhan Marnò, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Jim Caviezel, Parviz Sayyad, Vida Ghahremani, Navid Negahban.

  • An American Carol (2008); Starring: Kevin Farley, Kelsey Grammer, Leslie Nielsen, Trace Adkins, Robert Davi, Geoffrey Arend, Serdar Kalsin, Jon Voight

  • Snowmen (2010); Starring: Bobby Coleman, Josh Flitter, Ray Liotta, Beverley Mitchell, Bobb'e J. Thompson, Christopher Lloyd

Gossip and Rumors

Hendricks' private nature means there are few rumors about her. However, her significant wealth and influence occasionally lead to speculation about her business and political strategies.

Mentions in Conspiracy Theories

Diane Hendricks is not commonly mentioned in conspiracy theories. Her public image is primarily focused on her business success and political contributions.

Psycho-emotional Profile of Diane Hendricks

Emotional State and Mood: Diane Hendricks, chairman and co-founder of ABC Supply, maintains a resilient and determined emotional state. Despite facing significant personal and professional challenges, she demonstrates a stable and focused mood. Her ability to navigate the complexities of her business and personal life suggests a predominant emotional state of determination and confidence​.

Personality Traits: Hendricks exhibits traits of conscientiousness, resilience, and introversion. She is highly meticulous and detail-oriented in her business dealings, which has been crucial in growing ABC Supply into a leading company in its industry. Her resilience is evident in how she managed and expanded the business after the death of her husband. Despite her success, she maintains a relatively low public profile, reflecting her introverted nature​​.

Stress Levels and Coping Mechanisms: Given her high-stakes role and the pressures of leading a major corporation, Hendricks likely experiences moderate to high stress levels. She copes with stress through strategic problem-solving and maintaining a structured routine. Her dedication to her work and her ability to focus on long-term goals help her manage stress effectively. Additionally, her philanthropic activities and involvement in the community provide a positive outlet for coping​​.

Self-Esteem and Self-Concept: Hendricks has high self-esteem, bolstered by her significant achievements in the business world. She views herself as a capable and influential leader, a perspective reinforced by her success in expanding ABC Supply and her recognition as one of America's richest self-made women. Her self-concept is firmly rooted in her entrepreneurial spirit and her ability to overcome obstacles​​.

Interpersonal Relationships: Hendricks maintains strong relationships with her family, colleagues, and business associates. Her interpersonal relationships are characterized by loyalty and mutual respect. She values family time and has balanced her professional responsibilities with family commitments, which is evident in her structured approach to work-life balance​​.

Behavioral Patterns: Hendricks demonstrates strategic decision-making and a disciplined approach to business. She avoids impulsive actions, preferring to make well-considered decisions based on thorough analysis. Her behavioral patterns include a focus on routine and structured management, contributing to her consistent success and stability in business​​.

Psychological Well-being: Overall, Hendricks' psychological well-being appears stable and positive. Her successful business ventures and effective stress management contribute to a high level of life satisfaction. There are no reported symptoms of mental health conditions, indicating good psychological resilience​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Brooksy Society)​.

Cognitive Functioning: Hendricks exhibits high cognitive abilities, particularly in strategic planning and problem-solving. Her ability to grow ABC Supply into a major corporation reflects strong analytical skills and a sharp, strategic mind. Her investment strategies and business decisions showcase her keen understanding of market dynamics and operational efficiency​.

Past Experiences and Trauma: Significant life events, such as managing the business after her husband's death and overcoming early life challenges, have shaped Hendricks' resilience and strategic outlook. These experiences have reinforced her methodical and resilient approach to leadership, enabling her to effectively manage challenges and opportunities​​.

Motivations and Goals: Hendricks is driven by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Her personal goals include maintaining and growing ABC Supply and contributing to economic development through her philanthropic efforts. Extrinsically, she is motivated by public recognition and the desire to uphold her and her late husband's legacy in the business world​​.

Physical Health and Its Impact: There is limited public information on Hendricks' physical health, but her active involvement in business and disciplined lifestyle suggest she prioritizes her well-being. Effective physical health likely contributes positively to her psychological resilience and ability to manage stress and responsibilities effectively​ ​.

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