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Lukas Walton

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Lukas Tyler Walton

  • Date of Birth: September 19, 1986

  • Place of Birth: Nationality: American

  • Zodiac: Virgo

  • Marital Status and Family: Married to Samantha Walton; no known children.

Background and Early Life:

  • Family Background: Grandson of Walmart founder Sam Walton. Son of John T. Walton and Christy Walton.

  • Ancestry: The Walton family has deep roots in American business with Sam Walton establishing Walmart in 1962.

  • Early Influences: His father John T. Walton, an advocate for environmental causes, and his grandfather Sam Walton, a business magnate.

  • Books that impacted the most: No specific books publicly mentioned.

Educational Background:

  • University: Graduated from Colorado College with a degree in Environmental Science and Economics.

Professional Career:

  • Current Occupation: Heir to the Walmart fortune and active philanthropist focusing on environmental sustainability.

  • Career History: Known for his involvement in the Walton Family Foundation, particularly in environmental and sustainability initiatives.

Career Milestones:

  • Key Achievements: Successfully managing and growing his inheritance through diversified investments.

  • Innovations and Contributions: Focus on sustainable investments and philanthropy through the Walton Family Foundation.

  • Industry Impact: Significant influence in the retail and environmental sustainability sectors through his wealth and philanthropic efforts.

Net Worth and Assets:

  • Estimated Net Worth: Approximately $18 billion (as of 2023)

  • Key Assets: Significant shares in Walmart and diversified investment portfolio including clean energy and environmental initiatives.

  • Investments: Investments in various environmental and sustainability ventures.

    • Sustainable Food and Agriculture

      Walton has been passionate about sustainable food and agriculture since childhood, when his mother's plant-based diet helped him recover from cancer. Builders Vision has developed over 114 products and technologies promoting healthy, sustainable food production. They have also sustainably managed 2.6 million acres of farmland.

      One of their investments is Clear Frontier, which helps farmers transition to organic farming by buying up land and leasing it to organic farmers during the 3-year transition period.

    • Clean Energy

      Builders Vision's largest investment area is clean energy, with over $1.8 billion in funding commitments. They have installed 15,685 megawatts of renewable energy capacity and created nearly 26,000 clean energy jobs.

      They focus on funding "white spaces" that haven't received much investment, like using green hydrogen in steel and ammonia production.

    • Healthy Oceans

      Walton chairs the Walton Conservation Coalition which supports initiatives to restore the health of the world's oceans and rivers. Builders Vision has committed $260 million to healthier oceans.

      They are tackling issues like overfishing, microplastics, and marine species extinction.

    • Community and Environmental Stewardship

      More broadly, Walton invests in initiatives that build thriving communities and protect the environment. The Walton Family Foundation's environment program, which Walton chairs, focuses on restoring the health of rivers, oceans and the Colorado River Basin.

      Walton's mission is to shift markets and minds to build a more humane and healthy planet by collaborating with entrepreneurs, organizations, innovators and community leaders to seed and scale meaningful solutions.

  • Stock records: Major shareholder in Walmart (WMT).

Business Interests:

  • Primary Business: Heir to the Walmart retail fortune.

  • Other Ventures: Active investments in sustainable and clean energy companies.

Leadership Style and Business Philosophy:

  • Leadership Approach: Collaborative and sustainability-focused.

  • Business Philosophy: Advocates for environmental sustainability and responsible investing.

Philanthropy and Social Contributions:

  • Charitable Donations: Significant contributions through the Walton Family Foundation.

  • Foundations and Initiatives: The Walton Family Foundation, focusing on education, environmental, and community development.

  • Philanthropic Goals: Enhancing environmental sustainability and supporting community development.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Active promoter of sustainable practices and investments.

  • CSR: Emphasis on corporate social responsibility through philanthropic efforts.

Lifestyle and Interests:

  • Main Residence: Jackson, Wyoming and Chicago, Illinois

  • Personal Values: Commitment to environmental sustainability and philanthropy.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Outdoor activities, environmental conservation.

  • Social Circles: Engages with environmental advocates and philanthropists.

  • Membership in private clubs and social organizations: Involved with various environmental and philanthropic organizations.


  • Business partners: Collaborates with other members of the Walton family and environmental organizations.

  • Close friends: Engages with peers in the environmental and philanthropic communities.

Political and Social Influence:

  • Political Affiliations: In 2020, Lukas Walton contributed $11,200 to various Democratic candidates, including $2,600 to Joe Biden. He also contributed $142,000 to the Democratic National Committee and has supported the Great Lakes PAC.

  • Advocacy: Strong advocate for environmental sustainability and education.

  • Significant political statements: Focuses on non-political advocacy for environmental causes.

Future Plans and Projects:

  • Upcoming Ventures: Continued focus on environmental sustainability and philanthropic projects.

  • Forecasts: Expected to remain a significant influence in philanthropy and sustainable investing.

  • Legacy: Aims to be remembered for his contributions to environmental sustainability and responsible philanthropy.

Available Data on Possessions:

  • Yachts: No known significant yacht ownership.

  • Private Jets: No public records of private jet ownership.

  • Cars: No specific brands publicly mentioned.

  • Art: No known significant art collections.

  • Real Estate and Residences: Owns property in Jackson, Wyoming.

  • Collectables: No significant public information on collectables.

  • Expensive accessories: No specific brands publicly mentioned.

Public Persona and Influence:

  • Media Presence: Limited public presence, focusing on philanthropy.

  • Public Speaking: Rarely engages in public speaking; focuses on private philanthropic efforts.

  • Public Appearances: Appears at environmental and philanthropic events.

  • Recognition and Awards: Recognized for his contributions to environmental sustainability through the Walton Family Foundation.

Other information:

  • Little-known biography facts:

    • Lukas Walton was diagnosed with a rare form of kidney cancer as a child but made a miraculous recovery after his mother Christy Walton put him on a plant-based diet.

    • He was raised in the blue-collar town of National City, California for part of his childhood before moving to Jackson Hole, Wyoming after his father's death.

  • Unusual experience: His battle with cancer and subsequent recovery.

  • Mentions in conspiracy theories: No significant mentions in conspiracy theories.

Media Search Results for Lukas Walton


Books: No records found.

Major Articles, Interviews, or Features

Articles, Interviews, Features:

  1. Observer: "Walmart Heir Lukas Walton Commits 90% of $1 Billion Family Foundation to Impact Investing"

  2. Inside Philanthropy: "Who’s Getting the Latest Checks from Lukas Walton’s Green Grantmaking Shop?"

  3. Inside Philanthropy: "A Third-Generation Walton Goes Public With a Sizable Philanthropy and Investment Operation"

Gossip and Rumors

  • Gossip and Rumors: No records found.

Controversies and Legal Issues

  • Controversies: No significant controversies found.

  • Legal Issues: No records of court, criminal, or government records involving Lukas Walton.

  • Scandals: No scandals found.

  • Allegations: No allegations found.

  • Criticisms: No notable criticisms found.

  • Public Conflicts: No public conflicts with notable names or organizations found.

Curious Information

  • Little-known Biography Facts: Lukas Walton is the grandson of Walmart founder Sam Walton and inherited part of his wealth from his father, John T. Walton, who died in a plane crash in 2005. He is intensely private about his life, with little public information available until recent years.

  • Unusual Experience: Walton has dedicated a significant portion of his inherited wealth to environmental and social causes through Builders Vision, aiming to integrate impact in both philanthropy and investments.

  • Mentions in Conspiracy Theories: No mentions found in conspiracy theories.

Psycho-Emotional Profile of Lukas Walton

Emotional State and Mood

Lukas Walton is known for his privacy, and public information about his current mood is limited. However, his deep involvement in philanthropy and environmental sustainability suggests a sense of purpose and fulfillment. His work indicates a generally positive and committed emotional state, focused on making a positive impact on society and the environment.

Personality Traits

Walton appears to be introverted, given his preference for maintaining a low public profile and minimal presence on social media​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Business Insider)​. He is highly conscientious, as evidenced by his detailed and strategic approach to philanthropy and investment in sustainable businesses​ (Inside Philanthropy)​. His agreeableness is reflected in his collaborative efforts with various organizations and his significant charitable contributions.

Stress Levels and Coping Mechanisms

While specific stress levels are not publicly documented, the pressures of managing substantial wealth and philanthropic responsibilities likely contribute to his stress. Walton's coping mechanisms seem effective; he channels his stress into positive actions, such as environmental initiatives and supporting disadvantaged communities​ (Inside Philanthropy)​.

Self-Esteem and Self-Concept

Walton's self-esteem appears stable and positive. He has a strong self-concept, seeing himself as a steward of his family's legacy and a champion for environmental and social causes. His confidence is evident in his proactive creation of Builders Vision and his leadership roles within the Walton Family Foundation​ (Business Insider)​.

Interpersonal Relationships

Walton maintains a close-knit network of relationships, particularly within his family and philanthropic circles. His role in family foundations and initiatives indicates strong familial ties and a collaborative approach to achieving shared goals​ (Inside Philanthropy)​. His low public profile suggests he values quality over quantity in his social interactions.

Behavioral Patterns

Walton exhibits a pattern of thoughtful and strategic behavior. He avoids public attention and focuses on structured, impactful actions rather than impulsive decisions. His philanthropic activities reflect a routine of consistent, purpose-driven work​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Business Insider)​.

Psychological Well-being

Overall, Walton's psychological well-being appears robust. He derives satisfaction from his philanthropic work and commitment to sustainability, indicating a high level of life satisfaction. There are no public indications of significant mental health issues, suggesting stable psychological health​ (Inside Philanthropy)​.

Cognitive Functioning

Walton's educational background and his strategic approach to investments and philanthropy indicate strong cognitive abilities. He has demonstrated significant problem-solving skills and the capacity for innovative thinking, particularly in environmental sustainability​ (Business Insider)​

Past Experiences and Trauma

The early loss of his father in a plane crash likely had a profound impact on Walton. This experience may have influenced his dedication to meaningful, long-term projects that honor his family's legacy and values​ (Wikipedia)​. His resilience in the face of this trauma is reflected in his continued positive contributions to society.

Motivations and Goals

Walton is driven by a deep commitment to environmental sustainability and social justice. His motivations are primarily intrinsic, rooted in personal values and a desire to effect positive change. His long-term goals focus on creating a sustainable future and addressing systemic issues through philanthropy and investment​ (Business Insider)​​ (Inside Philanthropy)​.

Physical Health and Its Impact

There is limited public information on Walton's physical health. However, his active lifestyle and engagement in outdoor activities suggest a healthy physical state. His physical well-being likely supports his psychological resilience and capacity for sustained philanthropic work​ (Wikipedia)​.


Lukas Walton's psycho-emotional profile portrays him as a conscientious, introverted, and purpose-driven individual. His life is characterized by a strong commitment to environmental and social causes, robust cognitive functioning, and stable psychological well-being. His experiences and values significantly shape his motivations and actions, leading to a positive impact on society through his philanthropic endeavors.

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