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Masayoshi Son

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Masayoshi Son

  • Name in the language of origin: 孫正義 (Son Masayoshi)

  • Date of Birth: August 11, 1957

  • Place of Birth: Tosu, Saga Prefecture, Japan

  • Zodiac: Leo

  • Marital Status and Family: Married to Masami Ohno; they have two children.

Background and Early Life:

  • Family Background: Son was born to a Korean family in Japan and was naturalized as a Japanese citizen.

  • Ancestry: His grandparents emigrated from Korea to Japan.

  • Early Influences: He was influenced by his father, who was an entrepreneur, and by his interactions with technology from an early age.

  • Influenced by: Steve Jobs, whom he met in his early years.

  • Books that impacted the most: "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn

Educational Background:

  • University: Attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he graduated with a degree in Economics in 1980.

Professional Career:

  • Current Occupation: Founder and CEO of SoftBank Group Corp. SoftBank Group

  • Career History:

    • Founded Unison in 1981, which later became SoftBank.

    • Acquired Vodafone Japan, which became SoftBank Mobile.

    • Launched the Vision Fund, the largest technology investment fund.

Career Milestones:

  • Key Achievements: Establishing SoftBank as a major player in the telecommunications and technology investment sectors.

  • Innovations and Contributions: Key investments in companies like Alibaba, Yahoo! Japan, and ARM Holdings.

  • Industry Impact: Pioneered large-scale investments in tech startups, influencing the tech investment landscape.

Net Worth and Assets:

  • Estimated Net Worth: $29.6 billion (as of 2023)

  • Key Assets: Major shares in SoftBank, Alibaba, and the Vision Fund.

  • Investments: Various tech startups and established tech firms.

  • Stock records: SoftBank Group Corp. (9984.T)

Business Interests:

  • Primary Business: Telecommunications and technology investments.

  • Other Ventures: ARM Holdings, Sprint Corporation, Yahoo! Japan, and the Vision Fund.

Leadership Style and Business Philosophy:

  • Leadership Approach: Visionary and risk-taking, focuses on long-term investments.

  • Business Philosophy: Believes in the potential of technology to transform industries and societies.

Philanthropy and Social Contributions:

  • Charitable Donations: Significant donations to disaster relief efforts, education, and healthcare.

  • Foundations and Initiatives: SoftBank Charitable Foundation.

  • Philanthropic Goals: Education, disaster relief, and technology for social good.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Investments in renewable energy.

  • CSR: Emphasis on corporate responsibility and ethical business practices.

Lifestyle and Interests:

  • Main Residence: Tokyo, Japan.

  • Personal Values: Innovation, perseverance, and philanthropy.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Technology, chess, and entrepreneurship.

  • Social Circles: Prominent figures in technology, finance, and politics globally.

  • Membership in private clubs and social organizations: Various elite business and technology circles.


  • Business partners:

    • Jack Ma (Alibaba)

    • Larry Page (Google)

    • Jeff Bezos (Amazon)

    • Elon Musk (Tesla)

    • Travis Kalanick (Uber)

    • Marc Benioff (Salesforce)

    • Eric Schmidt (Alphabet)

    • Masami Ohno (Wife, involved in philanthropic activities)

    • Nikesh Arora (Former SoftBank executive)

    • Rajeev Misra (CEO of SoftBank Investment Advisers)

  • Close friends:

    • Larry Page

    • Elon Musk

    • Jeff Bezos

    • Bill Gates

    • Eric Schmidt

    • Nikesh Arora

    • Steve Jobs (deceased, early mentor)

    • Donald Trump (business acquaintance)

    • Tim Cook (Apple)

Political and Social Influence:

  • Political Affiliations: Generally maintains a neutral public political stance.

  • Advocacy: Promotes technology innovation and entrepreneurship.

  • Significant political statements: Advocated for innovation-friendly policies and education reform.

Future Plans and Projects:

  • Upcoming Ventures: Expanding the Vision Fund and investing in AI, robotics, and other cutting-edge technologies.

  • Forecasts: Believes in the exponential growth of AI and its potential to transform industries.

  • Legacy: Aims to be remembered as a pioneer in technology investment and innovation.

Available Data on Possessions:

  • Yachts: No known significant yacht ownership.

  • Private Jets: Owns a Gulfstream G650ER.

  • Cars: Known for a preference for high-end cars like Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

  • Art: No significant public records of art collections.

  • Real Estate and Residences: Properties in Tokyo, New York, and Silicon Valley.

  • Collectables: No known significant collectables.

  • Expensive accessories: Known to wear high-end watches like Patek Philippe.

Public Persona and Influence:

  • Media Presence: Frequently covered in business media like Forbes, Bloomberg, and CNBC.

  • Public Speaking: Regular speaker at global tech and investment conferences.

  • Public Appearances: World Economic Forum, TechCrunch Disrupt, SoftBank World.

  • Recognition and Awards: Recognized by Forbes, Fortune, and other business media for his contributions to the tech industry.

Other information:

  • Little-known biography facts: Was inspired by meeting with Steve Jobs in his early years.

  • Unusual experience: Survived a serious car accident in his youth.

  • Mentions in conspiracy theories: Occasionally mentioned in conspiracy theories related to global tech dominance but with no substantial evidence.

Media Search Results for Masayoshi Son

Biographical Books

Here are some biographical books that mention Masayoshi Son:

  1. "Aiming High: Masayoshi Son, SoftBank, and Disrupting Silicon Valley" by Atsuo Inoue

  2. "Jack Ma: A Biography of the Alibaba Billionaire" by Ryan Rogers

Controversies and Legal Issues


Masayoshi Son has faced several controversies, particularly regarding his high-stake investments through the SoftBank Vision Fund. The fund’s investments in companies like WeWork and Uber have been contentious, especially following WeWork's failed IPO and financial instability.

Legal Issues

While Son himself has not been directly implicated in criminal activities, SoftBank and its investments have faced various legal and regulatory challenges. The most notable is the scrutiny and legal troubles surrounding WeWork’s failed IPO and the subsequent bailout by SoftBank.


The largest scandal involving Son’s ventures was the WeWork debacle, where the company's overvaluation and mismanagement came to light. This led to significant financial losses and a reputational hit for SoftBank.


Son has faced allegations of making overly aggressive and risky investments. Critics argue that his investment strategy prioritizes rapid growth over sustainable business models, leading to substantial financial risks.


Critics often target Son's management style and investment approach, which involves pouring large sums into startups with the expectation of dominating their markets. This strategy has been criticized for contributing to market volatility and unsustainable business practices.

Public Conflicts

Son’s most public conflict has been with WeWork's co-founder Adam Neumann. After WeWork’s IPO failed, Son pushed for Neumann’s resignation and took control to restructure the company.

Curious Information

Little-known Biography Facts

  • Masayoshi Son is of Korean descent and became a Japanese citizen in 1990.

  • He developed an early interest in technology and innovation, creating an electronic translator while he was a student in the US.

Unusual Experience

Son’s $20 million investment in Alibaba in 2000, which grew to be worth around $50 billion, is one of the most successful tech investments in history.

Gossip and Rumors

There have been rumors about the pressure and stress Son faces due to the high-risk, high-reward nature of his investment strategy, especially following the challenges with the Vision Fund.

Mentions in Conspiracy Theories

Masayoshi Son has not been significantly mentioned in conspiracy theories. His business dealings are well-documented and are usually analyzed within the context of high-risk investment strategies and market impact.

Psycho-emotional Profile of Masayoshi Son

Emotional State and Mood: Masayoshi Son's mood seems to be one of intense focus and determination. Despite the various ups and downs in his career, he appears resilient and optimistic about the future. His current mood can be inferred as one of cautious optimism, given the challenges and opportunities he faces with SoftBank and its investments. There are moments of disappointment, especially regarding unmet goals like SoftBank's struggle to break into the global top 10 companies by market capitalization (Financial Times)​​.

Personality Traits: Son exhibits a blend of extroversion and introversion. Publicly, he is often seen as charismatic and persuasive, capable of convincing investors to back large-scale, risky ventures. However, he also shows introspective qualities, evident in his thoughtful long-term planning and the emphasis he places on vision and innovation. He is resilient and adaptable, having reinvented SoftBank multiple times to align with new market trends and technological advancements (Financial Times)​.

Stress Levels and Coping Mechanisms: Son's stress levels are likely high, given the volatile nature of his investments and the immense pressure to deliver returns. He copes through problem-solving and visionary planning, constantly looking for the next big investment or technological breakthrough to stabilize and grow his business. His strategic mindset helps him navigate through periods of intense pressure, although there have been instances where the stress has visibly affected his performance and decisions (Financial Times)​.

Self-Esteem and Self-Concept: Masayoshi Son's self-esteem appears to be high, reinforced by his confidence in making bold investments and his belief in SoftBank's potential. He sees himself as a visionary leader capable of transforming industries and creating significant technological advancements. His self-image is closely tied to his role as an innovator and a forward-thinking entrepreneur (Financial Times)​​.

Interpersonal Relationships: Son maintains a network of influential relationships with global tech leaders, investors, and industry experts. His ability to garner support for his Vision Fund highlights his strong social and professional connections. However, his relationships may also be strained by the high stakes and pressures involved in his ventures, leading to potential conflicts or disagreements (Financial Times)​​.

Behavioral Patterns: Son is characterized by risk-taking and visionary thinking. His investments often involve high stakes and substantial risks, reflecting his belief in significant returns from disruptive technologies. He shows a pattern of bold decision-making, sometimes criticized for being overly ambitious or impulsive (Financial Times)​​.

Psychological Well-being: Despite the stress and pressure, Son's psychological well-being seems anchored in his passion for innovation and his strategic outlook. He derives satisfaction from pursuing his long-term visions and seeing them materialize, even if the journey involves considerable challenges (Financial Times)​​.

Cognitive Functioning: Son demonstrates high cognitive functioning, particularly in strategic planning and problem-solving. His ability to foresee technological trends and make calculated investments showcases his strong analytical skills and forward-thinking mindset (Financial Times)​​.

Past Experiences and Trauma: Significant life events, such as major investment losses and the scrutiny following high-profile failures, have impacted Son's emotional and psychological state. These experiences have shaped his cautious yet determined approach to future investments and ventures (Financial Times)​​.

Motivations and Goals: Son is driven by a desire to innovate and lead in the tech industry. His goals include positioning SoftBank as a global leader in technology and achieving significant breakthroughs through strategic investments. Both intrinsic motivators, like his passion for technology, and extrinsic ones, such as market recognition, fuel his ambitions (Financial Times)​​.

Physical Health and Its Impact: There is limited information on Son's physical health, but the intense demands of his role likely affect his overall well-being. Stress-related physical symptoms could impact his performance and decision-making, although his strong psychological resilience seems to mitigate these effects to some extent (Financial Times)​​.

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