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Reinhold Wuerth

Personal Information

  • Full Name: Reinhold Wuerth

  • Name in the language of origin: Reinhold Würth

  • Date of Birth: April 20, 1935

  • Place of Birth: Öhringen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany

  • Zodiac: Taurus

  • Marital Status and Family: Married to Carmen Wuerth; they have two children, Bettina and Markus Wuerth.

Background and Early Life

  • Family Background: Son of Adolf Wuerth, founder of the original screw wholesale business.

  • Ancestry: German descent, rooted in Baden-Württemberg.

  • Early Influences: Influenced by his father's entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic.

  • Influenced by: His father, Adolf Wuerth, and other notable business leaders.

  • Books that impacted the most: Details about specific influential books are not readily available.

Educational Background

  • Education: Trained as a salesman and attended business schools in Germany.

Professional Career

  • Current Occupation: Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Wuerth Group Wuerth Group.

  • Career History: Took over his father's business at the age of 19 in 1954 after his father's death and expanded it into a global leader in fastening and assembly materials.

Career Milestones

  • Key Achievements: Expanded the Wuerth Group from a small business into a global conglomerate. Implemented innovative business practices and expanded into over 80 countries.

  • Innovations and Contributions: Pioneered a customer-centric approach in the fastener and assembly industry.

  • Industry Impact: Revolutionized the assembly and fastening industry, setting standards for operational excellence and customer service.

Net Worth and Assets

  • Estimated Net Worth: Approximately $32 billion (as of 2023) .

  • Key Assets: Significant ownership in the Wuerth Group.

  • Investments: Diversified investments in various sectors including real estate and art.

  • Stock Records: Primarily private holdings within the Wuerth Group.

Business Interests

  • Primary Business: Wuerth Group, a leader in assembly and fastening materials.

  • Other Ventures: Investments in art, real estate, and various business ventures.

Leadership Style and Business Philosophy

  • Leadership Approach: Hands-on, visionary, customer-centric.

  • Business Philosophy: Focus on quality, customer service, and continuous improvement.

Philanthropy and Social Contributions

  • Charitable Donations: Substantial donations to cultural, educational, and social projects.

  • Foundations and Initiatives: Wuerth Foundation, supporting education, culture, and social projects.

  • Philanthropic Goals: Enhancing cultural and educational opportunities.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Support for sustainable practices within the Wuerth Group.

  • CSR: Commitment to corporate social responsibility, focusing on employee welfare and community support.

Lifestyle and Interests

  • Main Residence: Künzelsau, Germany.

  • Personal Values: Emphasis on hard work, family, and community support.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Art collection, supporting cultural events.

  • Social Circles: Involvement with cultural and business leaders in Germany and internationally.

  • Membership in Private Clubs and Social Organizations: Various cultural and business organizations, specific names not readily available.


  • Business Partners:

    • Bettina Wuerth: Daughter and chairwoman of the Advisory Board of the Wuerth Group.

    • Markus Wuerth: Son involved in the Wuerth Group.

    • Additional key executives and long-term business partners within the Wuerth Group.

  • Close Friends: Details about close personal friends are not publicly documented.

Political and Social Influence

  • Political Affiliations: No specific political affiliations publicly documented.

  • Advocacy: Support for cultural and educational initiatives.

  • Significant Political Statements: Focus on business and philanthropy rather than political statements.

Future Plans and Projects

  • Upcoming Ventures: Continued expansion and innovation within the Wuerth Group.

  • Forecasts: Anticipated growth in global markets and increased philanthropic efforts.

  • Legacy: Renowned for transforming a small family business into a global enterprise and for his extensive philanthropic contributions.

Available Data on Possessions

  • Yachts: Owns 85 m ( 280 ft) Oceanco yacht - Vibrant Curiosity

  • Private Jets:

    • Dassault Falcon 900

    • Dassault Falcon 7X

  • Cars: No specific details on car brands.

  • Art: Extensive art collection. As of 2021, the collection contains over 18,300 works, specialising in art created from the late 19th century to today:

    • Edvard Munch

    • Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

    • Max Ernst

    • Serge Poliakoff

    • Emil Nolde

    • Alfred Hrdlicka

    • Tilman Riemenschneider

    • Eduardo Chillida

    • Hans Haider

    • Diego Rivera

    • Frida Kahlo

    • Christo And Jeanne Claude

    • Pablo Picasso

    • Anish Kapoor

    • Bernar Venet

    • Georg Baselitz

    • Anselm Kiefer

    • Tony Cragg

    • Robert Jakobsen

    • Henry Moore

    • Hans Arp

    • Horst Antes

    • Max Bill

    • Bernhard Luginbühl

    • Gerhard Richter

    • Hans Hemmert

    • Alex Katz

    • Victor Vasarely

    • Max Beckmann

    • Rene Magritte

    • Ernst-Ludwig Kirchner

    • Karel Appel

    • Friedensreich Hundertwasser

    • Georg Merkel

    • Asgar / Gabriel

    • Josef Engelhart

    • Otto Zitko

    • Gustav Klimt

    • Siegfried Anzinger

    • Markus Hofer

    • Andy Denzler

  • Real Estate and Residences: Significant properties in Germany, details on specific estates not publicly available.

  • Collectables: Not publicly documented.

  • Expensive Accessories: No significant public details on expensive accessories.

Public Persona and Influence

  • Media Presence: Limited media presence, prefers to keep a low profile.

  • Public Speaking: Occasional appearances at business and philanthropic events.

  • Public Appearances: Participates in cultural and business events primarily within Germany.

  • Recognition and Awards: Numerous awards for business achievements and philanthropy.

Media Search Results for Reinhold Würth


  1. Reinhold Würth: Der Herr der Schrauben by Helge Timmerberg

  2. Reinhold Wurth: The Entrepreneur and His Company by Barbara Guttmann and Ute Grau

Controversies and Legal Issues

  • Controversies: Reinhold Würth has maintained a relatively controversy-free public image. His management style and proactive sales approaches have been praised rather than criticized.

  • Legal Issues: There are no major legal issues reported involving Reinhold Würth. His business practices and corporate governance have kept Würth Group in good legal standing.

  • Scandals: No significant scandals have been reported in connection with Reinhold Würth.

  • Allegations: There have been no notable allegations against Reinhold Würth.

  • Criticisms: Some industry critics might consider Würth’s aggressive expansion strategies as overly ambitious, but these views are not widely reported.

  • Public Conflicts: Reinhold Würth has not been involved in any public conflicts with notable individuals or organizations.

Curious Information

Little-known Biography Facts:

  • Reinhold Würth began his career in his father’s screw wholesale business at the age of 14 and took over the company at 19 after his father’s sudden death.

  • He is known for his love of art and has amassed one of Europe’s largest private art collections with over 18,000 works.

Unusual Experience:

  • Reinhold Würth is an avid supporter of art and culture and established the Würth Philharmoniker orchestra.

  • In 2017, he dedicated the Carmen Würth Forum, a multifunctional convention center, to his wife, Carmen, on her 80th birthday.

Mentions in Conspiracy Theories: There are no known conspiracy theories involving Reinhold Würth.

This profile has been compiled using multiple reputable sources to ensure accuracy and comprehensiveness. For further details on Reinhold Würth’s life and career, refer to the sources listed above.

Psycho-Emotional Profile of Reinhold Wuerth

Emotional State and Mood

  • Assessment of Current Mood: Reinhold Wuerth appears to be content and reflective, given his focus on art, culture, and philanthropy. His involvement in these areas suggests a positive and fulfilled state of mind.

  • Evaluation of Mood Stability: Wuerth shows high mood stability, maintaining a consistent and composed demeanor over time. This stability is evident in his long-term dedication to his business and philanthropic activities.

  • Predominant Emotions: Contentment, determination, and satisfaction are predominant emotions, reflecting his achievements and contributions to society.

Personality Traits

  • Key Personality Traits:

    • Introversion/Extroversion: Wuerth displays a balance of introversion and extroversion. While he values privacy, he is also active in public through his business and cultural engagements.

    • Agreeableness: High, as seen in his philanthropic efforts and positive relationships with employees and business partners.

    • Conscientiousness: Extremely high, demonstrated by his meticulous management of the Wuerth Group and dedication to art and culture.

  • Temperament:

    • Easy-going: Generally approachable and considerate.

    • Reactive: Remains calm under pressure, showing low reactivity.

    • Resilient: Demonstrated by his ability to grow and sustain a successful global business.

Stress Levels and Coping Mechanisms

  • Current Stress Levels: Moderate, due to the responsibilities of managing a large business and philanthropic endeavors.

  • Coping Strategies: Effective coping mechanisms include problem-solving, delegation, and engaging in cultural and artistic pursuits.

Self-Esteem and Self-Concept

  • Self-Esteem Levels: High self-esteem, reflected in his confident decision-making and public recognition.

  • Self-Concept: Sees himself as a business leader and cultural benefactor, reinforcing his self-image through public and private initiatives.

Interpersonal Relationships

  • Quality and Nature of Relationships: Maintains strong relationships with family, colleagues, and the cultural community. His leadership style fosters loyalty and respect.

  • Social Support Networks: Includes family, close friends, business associates, and cultural partners.

Behavioral Patterns

  • Behavioral Tendencies:

    • Risk-Taking: Engages in calculated risk-taking in business and investments.

    • Routine Behaviors: Likely follows structured routines in business management and personal life.

  • Maladaptive Behaviors: No publicly known maladaptive behaviors.

Psychological Well-being

  • Overall Well-being: Positive, supported by his successful career and active engagement in meaningful activities.

  • Mental Health Symptoms: No known mental health conditions.

Cognitive Functioning

  • Cognitive Abilities: High cognitive functioning, with strong strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Thought Patterns: Logical, goal-oriented, and forward-thinking, with an emphasis on innovation and cultural enrichment.

Past Experiences and Trauma

  • Significant Life Events: Includes growing the Wuerth Group from a small business to a global enterprise, and his involvement in art and culture.

  • Past Trauma: No specific past traumas publicly known.

Motivations and Goals

  • Personal Goals: Driven by a desire to lead Wuerth Group to further success and contribute to cultural and societal enrichment.

  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators:

    • Intrinsic: Passion for business, art, and cultural contributions.

    • Extrinsic: Public recognition, business success, and family legacy.

Physical Health and Its Impact

  • Physical Health: Appears to maintain good physical health, supporting his active lifestyle.

  • Psychosomatic Symptoms: No known psychosomatic symptoms.


Reinhold Wuerth exemplifies a balanced, strategic, and culturally engaged individual with a strong emotional and psychological profile. His ability to manage stress, maintain relationships, and innovate in business and culture highlights his exceptional capabilities.


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