Eduardo Saverin

Eduardo Saverin | Co-Founder, Meta (formerly Facebook) | $27.9B

Eduardo Saverin | Co-Founder, Meta (formerly Facebook) | $27.9B as of 6/29/24

Eduardo Saverin is a Brazilian entrepreneur and angel investor best known as one of the co-founders of Facebook. Currently based in Singapore, he has diversified his investments across various sectors, primarily focusing on technology and finance.

Personal Information:

  • Full Name: Eduardo Luiz Saverin

  • Date of Birth: March 19, 1982

  • Place of Birth: São Paulo, Brazil

  • Zodiac: Pisces

  • Marital Status and Family: Married to Elaine Andriejanssen; they have one child.

Background and Early Life:

  • Family Background: Eduardo Saverin was born into a wealthy Jewish-Brazilian family. His father, Roberto Saverin, was a successful industrialist working in clothing, shipping, and real estate.

  • Ancestry: His family has roots in Eastern Europe and moved to Brazil to escape the violence and economic instability.

  • Early Influences: His early life was influenced by his father’s business acumen and the tech boom of the early 2000s.

  • Influences: Influenced by his co-founders at Facebook, especially Mark Zuckerberg, and early Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

  • Books that impacted the most: "The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries, "Zero to One" by Peter Thiel.

Educational Background:

  • Undergraduate Education:

    • Harvard University, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Class of 2006.

Professional Career:

  • Current Occupation: Co-founder of B Capital Group (B Capital Group).

  • Career History:

    • Co-founded Facebook in 2004 while at Harvard. During his junior year at Harvard, Saverin met fellow Harvard undergraduate, sophomore Mark Zuckerberg. Noting the lack of a dedicated social networking website for Harvard students, the two worked together to launch Facebook in 2004. They each agreed to invest $1,000 in the site. Later, Zuckerberg and Saverin each agreed to invest another $18,000 in the operation. As co-founder, Saverin held the role of chief financial officer and business manager. On May 15, 2012, Business Insider obtained and released an exclusive email from Zuckerberg detailing how he cut Saverin from Facebook and diluted his stake. Zuckerberg privately stated at the time, "Eduardo is refusing to co-operate at all ... We basically now need to sign over our intellectual property to a new company and just take the lawsuit ... I'm just going to cut him out and then settle with him. And he'll get something I'm sure, but he deserves something ... He has to sign stuff for investments and he's lagging and I can't take the lag." Zuckerberg's attorney warned Zuckerberg that the dilution might trigger a lawsuit for breach of fiduciary duty. Facebook filed a lawsuit against Saverin, arguing that the stock-purchase agreement Saverin signed in October 2005 was invalid. Saverin then filed a suit against Zuckerberg, alleging Zuckerberg spent Facebook's money (Saverin's money) on personal expenses over the summer. In 2009, both suits were settled out of court. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed and the company affirmed Saverin's title as co-founder of Facebook. Saverin signed a non-disclosure contract after the settlement.

    • Transitioned to angel investing and venture capital, focusing on technology and start-ups.

Career Milestones:

  • Key Achievements:

    • Co-founded Facebook, now one of the largest social media platforms globally.

    • Transitioned successfully into venture capital and angel investing.

  • Innovations and Contributions:

    • Early work in Facebook’s monetization strategies.

  • Industry Impact:

    • Significant contributions to the tech industry through investments and support of innovative startups.

Net Worth and Assets:

  • Estimated Net Worth: Approximately $14 billion (as of 2023).

  • Key Assets: Significant shares in Facebook, investments through B Capital Group.

  • Investments: Wide range of tech startups and companies in various sectors.

  • Stock Records: Primarily private investments, significant historical shares in Facebook.

Business Interests:

  • Primary Business: B Capital Group, a venture capital firm investing in growth-stage companies.

  • Known current and past Board of Directors positions:

    • Various roles within his investment ventures and portfolio companies.

  • Other Ventures:

    • Angel investor in numerous technology startups.

    • Co-founder of Aporta, a charity crowdfunding site in Brazil.

Leadership Style and Business Philosophy:

  • Leadership Approach: Strategic, visionary, focusing on long-term growth and innovation.

  • Business Philosophy: Emphasizes the importance of innovation, scalability, and impact.

Philanthropy and Social Contributions:

  • Charitable Donations: Regular contributions to education and health initiatives, exact amounts not widely disclosed.

  • Foundations and Initiatives: Involved in various charitable organizations, co-founder of Aporta.

  • Philanthropic Goals: Focus on education, technology access, and healthcare improvements.

  • Environmental Stewardship: Invests in sustainable and eco-friendly technologies.

  • CSR: Active involvement in corporate social responsibility through his ventures.

Lifestyle and Interests:

  • Main Residence: Singapore.

  • Personal Values: Innovation, integrity, and social impact.

  • Hobbies and Interests: Technology, philanthropy, reading, and travel.

  • Social Circles: Primarily business and tech circles in Singapore and globally.

  • Membership in Private Clubs and Social Organizations: Likely involved in elite business clubs and organizations.

    • He is a member of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity (Eta Psi chapter of Harvard University).


  • Business Connections:

    • Raj Ganguly: Co-founder and managing partner at B Capital Group.

    • Other key executives and partners at B Capital Group and Facebook.

    • Magnus Grimeland: Founder and CEO, Antler

  • Personal Connections:

    • Mark Zuckerberg: Co-founder of Facebook.

    • Dustin Moskovitz: Co-founder of Facebook.

    • Sean Parker: Early investor in Facebook.

    • Lauren (Borman) Bohn

    • Fred Bronstein: Founder and Managing Partner, Octo Capital

    • Darius Mahtani Cheung: Founder and CEO, 99 Group

Political and Social Influence:

  • Political Affiliations: Not widely publicized, likely maintains a low political profile.

  • Advocacy: Advocates for technological innovation and startup ecosystem growth.

  • Significant Political Statements: Generally refrains from making public political statements.

Future Plans and Projects:

  • Upcoming Ventures: Continued investment in innovative startups and growth-stage companies.

  • Forecasts: Expected to maintain influence in the venture capital and technology sectors.

  • Legacy: Co-founder of Facebook, significant impact on social media and venture capital industries.

Available Data on Possessions:

  • Yachts: No specific records found.

  • Private Jets: Likely owns or charters private jets, specific models not widely disclosed.

  • Cars: Information not widely available.

  • Art: Known to have an interest in art, but specific collections not publicized.

  • Real Estate and Residences:

    • Luxurious residences in Singapore and possibly other global locations.

    • In 2023, he acquired two chalets in the French ski resort of Courchevel for US$95 million. They are linked by basements and total over 32,000 square feet.

  • Collectables: High-value items likely, specifics not disclosed.

  • Expensive Accessories: Known for a refined style, but specific brands not widely publicized.

Public Persona and Influence:

  • Media Presence: Maintains a relatively low media profile.

  • Public Speaking: Rarely makes public speeches.

  • Public Appearances:

    • Attends business and investment conferences.

    • Speaking at events related to venture capital and entrepreneurship.

  • Recognition and Awards: Various accolades for his contributions to the tech industry and venture capital.

Future Plans and Projects:

  • Upcoming Ventures: Expanding B Capital Group’s portfolio.

  • Forecasts: Continued influence in the tech investment space.

  • Legacy: A pioneer in social media and influential figure in venture capital.

Political and Social Influence:

  • Political Affiliations: Low political profile.

  • Advocacy: Focus on technology and entrepreneurship.

  • Significant Political Statements: None widely publicized.

Other Information:

  • Unique Contributions: Significant influence on the global tech startup ecosystem.

Media Search Results for Eduardo Saverin

Biographical Books

  1. "The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, a Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal" by Ben Mezrich - This book details the founding of Facebook and heavily features Eduardo Saverin's role in the company's early days. Amazon

  2. "The Social Network" by Aaron Sorkin - Based on Mezrich's book, this screenplay also focuses on Saverin's experiences and contributions to Facebook's founding. Goodreads

Controversies and Legal Issues

Controversies: Eduardo Saverin's renouncement of U.S. citizenship in 2012 was highly controversial. Critics argued this was a move to avoid paying taxes on his Facebook fortune, leading to significant public backlash and a legislative proposal named the Ex-PATRIOT Act aimed at preventing such tax avoidance.

Legal Issues: Saverin's most notable legal issue involved his lawsuit against Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. The lawsuit was settled out of court, and Saverin retained a small percentage of ownership in the company, making him a billionaire when Facebook went public.

Scandals: The primary scandal associated with Saverin is related to the Facebook founding story, particularly his fallout with Zuckerberg, which was dramatized in "The Social Network" movie. This included his equity stake being diluted, leading to the aforementioned lawsuit.

Allegations: Allegations against Saverin primarily involve claims made during his legal battle with Zuckerberg, including allegations of betrayal and exclusion from company decisions. These issues were part of the larger narrative covered in media and film.


  • Saverin has been criticized for his decision to renounce U.S. citizenship, which many viewed as an attempt to evade taxes. Saverin renounced his U.S. citizenship in September 2011, thereby avoiding an estimated US$700 million in capital gains taxes. This generated media attention and controversy. Saverin claimed that he renounced his citizenship because of his "interest in working and living in Singapore", and denied that he left the U.S. to avoid paying taxes.

  • Additionally, his role and actions during the early days of Facebook have been scrutinized, particularly through the lens of Mezrich's book and its adaptation into film.

Public Conflicts: The most significant public conflict involving Saverin was with Mark Zuckerberg during their time at Facebook. The fallout from this conflict led to a highly publicized lawsuit and settlement, and it remains a defining aspect of Saverin's public narrative.

Curious Information

Little-known Biography Facts: Saverin was born in Brazil and moved to the U.S. for his education, attending Harvard University where he met Zuckerberg. He initially invested in Facebook with a modest amount of money, which eventually grew into a substantial fortune.

Unusual Experience: After leaving Facebook, Saverin relocated to Singapore, where he has become a prominent venture capitalist. He co-founded B Capital Group, a global investment firm, and has invested in various startups across different industries.

Gossip and Rumors: There have been rumors about Saverin's lifestyle and personal investments, particularly following his move to Singapore. However, he tends to keep a low profile compared to other tech billionaires.

Mentions in Conspiracy Theories: Saverin has not been a prominent figure in conspiracy theories. Most public interest in him revolves around his early involvement with Facebook and his subsequent financial decisions.

Psycho-Emotional Profile of Eduardo Saverin

Emotional State and Mood

Eduardo Saverin, co-founder of Facebook and an influential venture capitalist, often presents a composed and optimistic emotional state. His public demeanor suggests a stable mood, characterized by a blend of confidence and determination. Saverin's mood appears consistently positive, influenced by his success in both technology and investment sectors​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Yahoo Finance)​.

Personality Traits

Saverin exhibits traits of conscientiousness and introversion. His meticulous approach to business, demonstrated through strategic investments and management of his venture capital firm B Capital Group, highlights his conscientious nature. Despite his significant public profile, Saverin maintains a relatively low-key presence, indicating introverted tendencies. His temperament can be described as resilient and strategic, essential for thriving in the competitive business environment​ (Forbes Philippines)​​ (PeoPlaid)​.

Stress Levels and Coping Mechanisms

Given his high-profile role and past legal disputes with Facebook, Saverin likely experiences significant stress. However, his ability to navigate these challenges successfully suggests effective stress management strategies. Saverin appears to cope through strategic problem-solving, maintaining a strong network of professional relationships, and focusing on long-term investment goals. His relocation to Singapore and engagement in new ventures also reflect adaptive coping mechanisms​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Famous Entrepreneurs)​.

Self-Esteem and Self-Concept

Saverin’s self-esteem is presumably high, reinforced by his substantial achievements and recognition in the business world. He views himself as a capable and influential entrepreneur, which is reflected in his confident investment decisions and public appearances. Saverin’s self-concept is closely tied to his identity as a successful investor and a key figure in the tech industry’s history​ (Forbes Philippines)​​ (Yahoo Finance)​.

Interpersonal Relationships

Saverin maintains strong professional relationships, particularly within the investment community. His leadership at B Capital Group and collaborations with other industry leaders showcase his ability to foster meaningful connections. On a personal level, Saverin's marriage to Elaine Andriejanssen, who comes from a wealthy business family, highlights the importance of familial and supportive relationships in his life​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Famous Entrepreneurs)​.

Behavioral Patterns

Saverin demonstrates consistent, goal-oriented behaviors. His investment strategies and business practices show a pattern of calculated risk-taking and disciplined execution. Saverin is known for his methodical approach to investment and entrepreneurship, indicating a structured lifestyle focused on achieving long-term objectives. There are no public indications of maladaptive behaviors, suggesting a well-regulated approach to life and work​ (Wikipedia)​​ (PeoPlaid)​.

Psychological Well-being

Overall, Saverin’s psychological well-being appears strong. His continued success and ability to handle significant challenges contribute to high life satisfaction. Despite past conflicts and media scrutiny, there are no public signs of significant mental health issues, indicating a stable psychological state and a positive outlook on life​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Famous Entrepreneurs)​.

Cognitive Functioning

Saverin’s cognitive abilities are evident in his strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. His capacity to manage complex investment portfolios and navigate legal and financial challenges showcases strong memory, attention, and analytical skills. He is adept at understanding and leveraging intricate financial systems, reflecting sharp cognitive functioning​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Yahoo Finance)​.

Past Experiences and Trauma

Saverin’s experiences, including his departure from Facebook and subsequent legal battles, have shaped his resilient and strategic nature. These experiences have contributed to his robust coping mechanisms and ability to maintain focus on long-term goals despite facing substantial adversity. His move to Singapore and success in venture capital further illustrate his ability to adapt and thrive in new environments​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Famous Entrepreneurs)​.

Motivations and Goals

Saverin is driven by a desire to excel in investment and contribute to the growth of innovative companies. His personal goals include expanding his investment portfolio and supporting startups across various regions. Both intrinsic motivations, such as personal satisfaction from business success, and extrinsic motivators, like financial gain and influence, drive his actions​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Forbes Philippines)​.

Physical Health and Its Impact

There is limited public information on Saverin’s physical health, but his active involvement in business activities suggests he maintains good physical well-being. His physical health likely supports his ability to manage his responsibilities effectively, contributing to his overall psychological resilience​ (Forbes Philippines)​.


Eduardo Saverin’s psycho-emotional profile portrays him as a resilient, conscientious, and strategic leader. His strong self-concept, effective stress management, and robust psychological well-being enable his continuous success in both the technology and investment sectors. His personality traits, cognitive abilities, and motivations align to create a profile of a highly driven and impactful figure in the global business landscape.

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