Brand and Product Tagging


Brand and product tagging is a powerful, cost-effective marketing tool designed to elevate influence marketing for multi-brand conglomerates, producers, and resellers of high-end goods and services. This tool helps maximize your overall marketing performance by targeting ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI).

  • Our service allows you to tag the profiles of specific UHNWI with your brand or product. These tags will appear in relevant sections of their profiles on UHNWI Direct, such as possessions, lifestyle, luxury items, or hobbies.

  • These tags are clickable, enabling UHNWI direct platform users to see all individuals associated with your brand or product. This feature not only reaches sales and marketing professionals but also the UHNWI themselves, showcasing the extensive reach of your brand and potentially influencing their purchasing decisions.

  • For an additional $9.99 per month, we can create and maintain a brand page for your company. This page will include brief information about your company, marketing materials (logo, links, contact details), and feature the names, photos, and profile links of all your clients. Users clicking on your brand or product tag will be redirected to this comprehensive brand page. Without this option, users will be directed to a list of all names associated with your brand or product. Click here to create a brand page on our website.

  • Cost-Effective Niche Marketing: Run a niche marketing campaign targeting extremely wealthy individuals at no cost (except for the time spent). Influence marketing is typically expensive, but this option offers the same benefits for free.

    Organic Traffic: Leverage human nature's tendency to compare possessions. People will see your brand in association with UHNWI and may be influenced to explore further, potentially leading to sales.

  • Tags and product submissions are accepted only from formal employees using business email addresses associated with the brand or product. Submissions from private emails will not be accepted to ensure the accuracy of information.

  • This indicates that the individuals mentioned in your tag request are actual customers of your company and have had, or currently have, your products in their possession, or utilize your services.

    Accuracy is crucial: Ensure that all information is based on actual internal order records. Providing false information may result in your organization being banned from our platform.

  • We will only tag the individuals from your list who have a net worth exceeding $50 million.

  • The processing time depends on the number of names you tag. For profiles not currently displayed in the UHNWI Direct directory, it may take some time to upload. For profiles already displayed, the tag will appear within 24 hours of submission.

  • 1. Fill out the form below by following the instructions.

    2. Submit the form.

    3. Enjoy the results.

Elevate your marketing strategy today with brand and product tagging on UHNWI Direct