Community Guidelines


VVIP dating is more than just another dating platform; it is a space for meaningful connections tailored for individuals who value their time and know exactly what they seek in a partner. We prioritize transparency and efficiency, ensuring that your interactions are purposeful and aligned with your expectations.

We want VVIP dating to be a fun, safe, and inclusive space where you can authentically connect with others efficiently and meaningfully. These Community Guidelines set clear expectations for everyone’s behavior to ensure a positive experience. Please read them carefully; non-compliance can result in consequences ranging from a warning to a ban.

VVIP Dating Rules

  1. Open Borders. This platform is exclusively for adults and sophisticated individuals. Accordingly, we allow nudity, sexual content, and expressions of sexual desires on your VVIP dating profile.

  2. Share Cautiously and Thoughtfully. Do not publicly disclose personal information or methods for others to contact you directly, such as phone numbers, email addresses, or social media handles. Sharing sensitive information like bank account numbers or email passwords is highly discouraged. Do not solicit personal details from others, and exercise caution when sending money to others—or avoid doing so altogether.

  3. Avoid Violent Content. We promote positivity and will not tolerate any form of violent content, including gore, death, images or descriptions of violent acts (against humans or animals), use of weapons, or anything that advocates or glorifies self-harm. If we believe there is a risk of imminent harm, we may take steps to assist, such as providing crisis resources.

  4. Focus on Personal Connections, Not Business. Do not advertise, promote, share your social handles to gain followers, sell goods, fundraise, or campaign. However, you may use the platform to promote any form of sex work, escort services, or compensated relationships. It can be a place to find your sugardaddy, sugarmama, sugarbabe (18+), or sugarboy (18+) and of course, partners for meaningful long-term relationships.

  5. Be Yourself. People want to meet the real you, not a fake persona. Do not create a fake account or pretend to be someone you are not, even for fun. Please do not use Photoshop or apply face and body filters to your photos.

  6. Communicate Respectfully. Engaging with new people can be challenging, especially when interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Respect is crucial. If a conversation goes awry and you feel upset or angry, pause and reflect before reacting. Harassment, threats, bullying, intimidation, doxing, sextortion, blackmail, or any actions intended to cause harm are strictly prohibited. The BBB platform is not a place for hate. We will not tolerate racism, bigotry, hatred, or violence based on an individual's identity or appearance, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, disability, physicality, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, or sexual orientation. If someone does not meet your personal criteria, simply do not reply and move on. Only report individuals if they have violated our policies.

  7. Lead with Kindness, Not Harm. Any actions or behaviors that suggest, intend, or cause harm to another member, whether physical or digital, will be taken very seriously. This includes any calls for or incitement to harm. If you have been harmed by someone on the BBB platform, prioritize your well-being, and consider what you need to heal, whether it involves accountability measures, disclosure, support, or all of the above. If this includes reporting the harm to us, please reach out. We are here to support you.

  8. Adults Only. You must be 18 years of age or older to use VVIP dating. This also means we do not allow photos of unaccompanied or unclothed minors, including photos of your younger self, regardless of how adorable they may be.

  9. Abide by the Law. No illegal content or activities are permitted. This means you cannot use the BBB platform to buy or sell drugs or counterfeit goods, or seek assistance in breaking the law. We will not tolerate anyone using the BBB platform to advocate or participate in any form of harm involving minors or human trafficking.

  10. One Submission per Person. Each submission can only include information about one individual. For privacy reasons, we cannot support multiple people in one submission; each individual must have their own profile.

  11. Submit Your Own Information. Do not submit information on behalf of others unless you have their written consent or power of attorney. Do not submit information that is copyrighted or trademarked by others.

  12. Be an Honest Member of the VVIP Dating Community. Do not abuse the BBB platform. Do not use the platform to spread false or misleading information. Do not spam harmful links or unsolicited content. Do not create mass accounts. Do not use the BBB platform to manipulate, deceive, or solicit money or other items from users. Do not submit misleading reports. Do not use third-party apps or spyware to infiltrate the system and steal personal data.

  13. Keep Your Payment Method Up to Date. Ensure that your subscription payments are made on time. A delay in payment for more than a week may result in the permanent deletion of your profile from the system, without the ability to recover it. You will need to go through the submission and evaluation procedures again.


As a member of the VVIP dating community, we encourage you to report any instances where someone is causing harm, making you feel uncomfortable, or violating our Community Guidelines. Your report will remain confidential. By reporting, you contribute to preventing harmful behavior and protecting other members.


We take our Community Guidelines and their impact on our community seriously. We are committed to ensuring compliance and have implemented a warning system. However, if violations persist or if a violation is severe, we will take appropriate action.

We reserve the right to investigate and/or terminate accounts without issuing a refund for any purchases if we determine that you have misused the Service or engaged in conduct deemed inappropriate, unlawful, or in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. This includes actions or communications that occur off the Service but involve individuals you have met through the Service.