Statement of Work (SOW)

Project Title: UHNWI Engagement Strategy Services

1. Parties

This Statement of Work ("SOW") is entered into by and between:

  • UHNWI data ("Service Provider").

  • Client ("Client").

2. Objective

The objective of this SOW is to outline the scope, deliverables, payment terms, and conditions under which UHNWI data will provide UHNWI Engagement Strategy Services to the Client.

3. Scope of Work

3.1 Service Description

UHNWI data will provide customized UHNWI Engagement Strategy Services, including but not limited to data mining, strategic planning, interviews, digital research, and consulting, as specified in this SOW. The services are designed to help the Client effectively engage with Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals (UHNWI).

3.2 Assigned Project Officer

Upon order placement and successful payment via the company's website, UHNWI data will assign a dedicated team member to oversee the project. The Client will be informed of the assigned Project Officer's name and contact information immediately after the order is confirmed.

4. Payment Terms

4.1 Payment Method

The Client agrees to make payment online at the time of order placement through the company's website. The payment secures the number of hours the Client wishes to retain UHNWI data for the execution of the services.

4.2 Paid Time

The number of hours purchased by the Client will determine the extent of services provided by [Company Name]. Paid time will be utilized effectively by the Service Provider, ensuring no less than one hour of service per business day.

4.3 Execution of Paid Time

[Company Name] reserves the right to allocate the paid time in a manner that is most effective and productive for achieving the desired outcomes. However, the service will be rendered with a minimum of one hour of service per day.

5. Timeline

5.1 Start of Paid Time

The services will commence on the next business day following the order placement and payment confirmation by the Client.

5.2 Deadline

The services will be performed, and the final report will be delivered to the Client within a timeframe calculated as the number of paid hours plus 48 hours for report preparation. For example, if the Client pays for 10 hours of service, the final report will be delivered within 12 business days from the order date.

5.3 Reporting Timeline

The report will be made available digitally to the Client 48 hours after the paid time has been utilized. The Client will receive a link to access the final report on a specific section of [Company Name]'s website.

6. Adequate Time Allocation

6.1 Minimal Level of Expectations

The Client may retain services to achieve the following minimal expectations:

  • Initial Awareness: Ensure the UHNW individual is aware of the Client’s brand or services. (10-50 Hours)

  • Basic Interaction: Achieve basic engagement, such as email opens or introductory responses. (50-100 Hours)

  • Expression of Interest or No Interest: Gain preliminary interest or rejection from the UHNW individual regarding the Client's offerings. (50-100 Hours)

  • Brand Recognition: Establish recognizable brand presence in the UHNW individual’s mind. (50-100 Hours)

  • Data Collection: Obtain valuable insights on the UHNW individual to better tailor future interactions. (10-50 Hours)

6.2 Maximal Level of Expectations

The Client may retain services to achieve the following maximal expectations:

  • High-Level Engagement: Secure meaningful interaction with the UHNW individual, such as a meeting or detailed conversation. (100-360 Hours)

  • Transaction Completion: Successfully close a significant transaction or agreement with the UHNW individual. (100-360 Hours)

  • Long-Term Relationship: Establish the foundation for a long-term relationship, leading to potential future collaborations. (100-360 Hours)

  • Personal Endorsement: Earn a personal endorsement or recommendation from the UHNW individual. (100-360 Hours)

  • Exclusive Partnership: Forge an exclusive, high-value partnership with the UHNW individual. (100-360 Hours)

7. Deliverables

7.1 Report Delivery

The final report will be delivered digitally and made available on a specific section of UHNWI data's website. The Client will receive a secure link to access the report.

8. Extra Time and Unsuccessful Engagement

8.1 Additional Time Allocation

In the event that the Client does not achieve the anticipated result within the relevant paid time (as outlined in paragraph 6), UHNWI data may, at its discretion, provide additional time equivalent to the hours already paid, at no further cost to the Client. This provision is contingent upon the Client granting permission for the publication of the unsuccessful engagement strategy as a case study in the UHNWI direct section of the company’s website. The case study will include the Client’s (or the company’s) name and details, with the potential for monetization by UHNWI Data. The Client acknowledges and agrees that they shall have no claim to any financial rewards, compensation, or profit-sharing arising from such monetization.

8.1. Insufficient time allocation

If the client has paid for less service time than required (in accordance with paragraph 6) to achieve the anticipated result, no claims regarding the quality of the service, requests for additional time to perform similar work, or demands for a refund shall be entertained.

9. Amendments

This SOW may be amended or modified only in writing and signed by both parties.

10. Acceptance

By submitting the order form you are accepting this Statement of Work, the undersigned acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions outlined above and authorizes UHNWI data to proceed with the delivery of services as specified.